/ Payment Services / Business
Less costs,
more speed and control
No cost for merchants on transactions made by customers with DropPay and the lowest market commissions in other cases.
A world of benefits for receiving digital payments on all channels!

The Business account for making any payment in just a few simple taps: bills, top-ups, MAV, RAV, F24 and PagoPA.
You can accept payments in-store with our DropPOS and request the Commercial card linked to your account. Plus, if your customers pay with DropPay, the receipts are in real time and with zero commissions, both in-store and online!
Your payments have never been easier!
We provide our ecosystem of Android Smart POS terminals (DropPOS) and virtual acceptance systems (Virtual POS) used in e-commerce to all subjects who need to collect a payment within a professional activity (professionals, traders, commercial activities) to accept any type of payment on PagoBANCOMAT, Visa, Mastercard, Amex circuits.
Adding DropPay as a payment method to your e-commerce is very simple and will allow you to instantly see your e-commerce receipts on your account and zero out commissions.

Make purchases for your business with our payment cards on the Mastercard and PagoBANCOMAT circuits. Get a business card for payments and withdrawals.
Shopping and managing expenses for your business has never been so easy and convenient.

Service Platform
for Retail
For the retail world (private post offices, tobacconists, newsstands, stationery shops, and other commercial categories), we offer a web-based platform - DropPoint - to provide citizens with payment services: postal bulletins (blank and pre-printed), MAV/RAV, F24, PagoPA, car tax.
In addition, value-added services are available (various types of top-ups, transport and parking tickets and subscriptions), DropPOS for accepting payments, a deposit card, and much more.
DropPoint can handle multiple operating locations and more staff, allows the retailer to set tariffs independently, and does not require a terminal or dedicated connection.
Our retailers (over 10,000 throughout Italy today) are supported by a dedicated sales network.
Business Data
Consultancy team to work on payment products.

What we do
We help companies (professionals, businesses, organizations) manage, analyze and contextualize data through computer infrastructures, software and techniques for data manipulation and analysis, to transform raw data into meaningful and operational information.

Why it's useful
Making better decisions based on a data-driven approach means optimizing performance: increasing profits, seeking efficiency, improving customer service, optimizing public relations, improving the company's image towards all stakeholders, and in summary, increasing competitiveness.